Storefront is the perfect theme for your next WooCommerce project. Designed and developed by WooCommerce Core developers, it features a bespoke integration with WooCommerce itself plus many of the most popular customer facing WooCommerce extensions. There are several layout & color options to personalise your shop, multiple widget regions, a responsive design and much more. Developers will love its lean and extensible codebase making it a joy to customize and extend. Looking for a WooCommerce theme? Look no further!
Get this theme now and over 1000 more with regular updates for just $15/month
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So many amazing features

900+ plugins

Over 900 premium plugins for WooCommerce to choose from.

Automatic updates

Automatic updates delivered straight to your website.

One simple price

One low price to manage all your plugins. Cancel anytime.

Seamless integration

Install the GPL Kit plugin and manage all your plugins.

25 site license

The GPL Kit plugin can be activated on 25 websites.

Save money

GPL Kit offers amazing value and reduces your operating costs.